




联 系 人 :吴承忠 联系电话:13502621520


本厂是一家颇具规模的茶具,茶道具生产的专业瓷厂。现工厂占地约3000平方米,工人数十名,生产窑炉两座。滚压车20多部,空心注浆及管道设备一应俱全。自动化及半自动化的生产,十多年的茶具生产经验,造就了本厂产品质量好,服务态度佳,企业的知名度高的声誉。茶具是从优选瓷泥入手,经过机械加工成型,胚体的修坯上水,上釉查釉,装窑烧火等一条龙制作而成。严格的管理,跳前的理念,先进的技术,专业的人才,精细的工艺。成就了产品的价值 。产品分高白瓷和美质瓷两大类。高白瓷洁白如雪,美质瓷柔和光亮。手彩茶具更是本厂的强项,图案布局考究,运笔流畅,浓淡有致,层次分明。成品茶具,图美色艳,光彩夺目。是品茶,收藏之佳品。

本厂诚邀有识之士,优秀客户亲临工厂参观指导。相互合作, 共谋发展。欢迎来人,来样,来图,来函订货,定货。本厂产品实行三包。

Our factory is a professional ceramics manufacturer which manafacture tea sets and tea props.Factory area is about 3000 square meters.There are dozens of workers, 2 production kilns, over 20 rolling cars, hollow grouting and pipe etc. e With automatic and semi-automated production,and more than a decade of tea set production experience, we creating good service attitude,and well-known reputation.Good porcelain clay after machining shape,then amending embryo, glazing and examine,last,installed to kiln and then fire,on the coordinated process,we produce good tea sets. Because of strict management, new concept, advanced technology and professional personnel, sophisticated technology,products have good real worth.Factory have high-white porcelain and magnesia porcelain two major categories. High-white as white as snow, magnesia porcelain is soft and light. Hand drawing tea sets is our strength,they have exquisite pattern layout ,smooth pen movement ,clearly levels demarcated. Tea sets is beautiful and dazzling. It is not only for tea testing but also for collection . We sincerely welcome customer to visit our factory,mutual cooperation and seek common development.Looking forward to your order,or processing with sample.We carry out "Three Guarantees" of factory products.

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